Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Bottom Floor and the Truth

I return from the bottom floor with heavy heart and shaking hands. I do not want to believe what I have seen, and yet I must. I know now of what happened on this goddamned ship, and I know what I must do.

I got the second to last floor without problems. The bodies were still there, although I noticed more smoke rising from the cracks in the ground. This time, it was harder to breath in, however. I made my way to the stairs, kicking the bodies out of the way. I was filled with purpose to kill the thing that made my life hell here. I opened the staircase and almost paused. Almost. The floor was coated in a layer of congealed blood at the top, although further down the blood was much lesser. I stepped over the blood, walking down past the rotting wood and mildew. At the bottom of the stairs was a large metal door. Unsure of what I would find, but uncaring at the same time, I pushed it open and walked into the room.

The room was large, and empty. Smoke filled every corner, and rushed towards my lungs, as if awaiting an escape. It filled me, and for the first time, I began to choke. It wasn't long before I fell to the ground and lost consciousness. And that is when I had a dream. The memories of everything that has happened returned to me.

My name is James Harris. I was born in the US to Italian parents. I joined the navy when I turned 18 to show my allegiance to the country. I'm 20 now. I was assigned to a ship. We were merely to go around the ocean collecting data. It was a scientific mission, nothing more. However, tensions were high. Cabin fever set in fast, and we all wanted a target of some kind. We had been expecting a military mission, not a scientific one, after all.

One night, the smoke poured in through my window. I breathed it in and it filled me. It opened all my tensions, all my desires to take them out on someone. It gave me a want, no, a need, to release this. To kill.

Everybody went down quite easily, really. One quick blow to the head and down everyone went. Nobody ever made a noise. Some tried, but the smoke coming out of my lungs muffled them.

I dragged them down. I put them on the staircase. Then I went downstairs. To the bottom floor. And the smoke was released from my lungs. I realized what I had done and ran upstairs. I ran to my room and locked the door. I couldn't face myself. I waited for 30 days, plagued with visions of a large warship filled with the people I had killed. Waiting for me. After 30 days, the smoke filled the room and erased my head. I can only fathom that was to torture me more.

I am not on the warship from my dreams. This is the same ship I started on. But my dreams were right. It has become a warship by my actions.

The storage floor never rearranged. That was my mind trying to stop me from going to the bottom floor. Deep down, I knew what I would find. But I went anyways.

I awoke from the floor and went upstairs to my room. I waited, hoping it was all some nightmare, but I knew it wasn't. I also know what I must do.

I fired one bullet when I opened the door, before the smoke overtook me. I still have one left.

There can be no smoke without fire after all, and I think the sparks from my gun will serve me nicely.

I already killed many who were undeserving of it.

Now I kill who I find to be most deserving of all.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Upper Rooms

I explored the upper rooms today. They're mostly nothing much, just rooms and rooms. I took a while looking around each one for anything that can help me. Nothing offered immediate aid, but I've got a few ideas.

I'm going to figure out some kind of thing to protect myself with. I'm going to get some kind of weapon to fight with. And I will make this creature pay.

I noticed there was a gas mask in with the military uniform in my luggage. If this thing is really associated with smoke, that should help. Next is finding something to fight it with. I've got a flamethrower, but I doubt that'll be much help. There's a gun that was locked up in the top floor captain's room. I have that now. It should help.

I honestly don't expect to survive this. But I have to try.

Here I go.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


I don't know what to think. I'm still dripping with water from the ocean, but it's barely a second after I published the last post.

I looked around the ship, and I secured a life-jacket. I made sure I had some water and food taped to my body under my clothing, and I climbed to the highest deck, to overlook the ocean. This was the first time I've been there since I first explored this place. I took a deep breath, and I jumped.

The cold sting of the water overtook me fast. I felt a pulse of pain in my chest, and my limbs turned numb quickly. I didn't care. I swam back to the surface and began off into the distance, watching that God-forsaken ship disappear into the distance. After what felt like 20 minutes of swimming, it was a small speck on the horizon.

However, I was also losing energy fast. I anticipated I might not be able to make it, but I had come to terms with the fact that this may prove to be a fatal mission. Anything's better than staying in that place. I felt my limbs grow heavy; they had already turned an interesting shade from the cold chill of the water. I slowly swam to a stop, and floated in place, waiting for the waters to envelop me.

Instead, I felt a sharp pain filling my foot and drifting up my ankle. The water was turning a blackish color, not of blood, but of ash. The pain drifted up as the lower areas just... lost feeling totally. The sensation lifted to my torso, out of the water, and I saw that I was slowly dissipating into smoke. The sensation sped up and reached my head, and I blacked out.

I just woke up, back on the ship, not a second later from when I published my last post.

It seems that there's no fucking way off of this place. I can't just sit here and do nothing. I need a strategy, to torment whatever is doing this to me worse than I have been tormented.

I cannot let this bastard demon or whateverthefuckitis get away with this.


I'm going to take the advice you all gave me. I'm trying to get out of here. I'm going off of the ship, and I'm swimming away. I don't know what'll happen. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


I don't know. I don't know how long I can keep doing this. It's just too insane. I could handle being trapped on a ship, but having some other entity on it is too much.

I have a headache now.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Engine Room

So, based off the comments from my last comments, the ship does indeed have some kind of fucking monster on it. Great. Just fucking great. So I guess exploring the bottom floor is a no-go then. Glorious.

Since I'm avoiding the bottom floor now, I decided to explore the floor above me; the engine room. Comments also told me to look for a way off the ship. Look, don't you think I already did that when I first got here? It's kinda obvious, I'm not so stupid I'd just la-dee-da down the halls without trying to get away first.

That was a little bit harsh. Sorry. I get you're just trying to help, it's just that- GAH.

Anyways, the engine room. Seemed less smoky than the rooms down below. Probably a good thing, I guess. Nothing worth doing in there, though, Just engines. Nothing more.

I'll be updating more tomorrow at the usual time.

Saturday, March 21, 2015


This Voidskipper dude in the comments ran the note through a translator online. I would have tried that myself if I could get to any other sites, but it seems this is it. Thank you, whoever you even are.

Day 27

It's not safe at home anymore. I do not know if this is a ghost of someone who has killed or a demon or something else. I'm not interested. And ' (Probably It's here) dangerous, and it's coming after me. I thought I would be safe when the war ended, but this is all much worse. Would go back if it meant being away from this monstrosity.

I had dreams of a ship. All my victims are on it as passengers. Maybe this is really connected to them then. I do not know. The halls are full of smoke that announces the creature. All I hear is a burning anger and hatred for everything and everyone that made this happen. This war. My innocence robbed. Then I wake up and it's all over.

The room are in is beginning to fill with smoke. (Probably: The Room I am In)

And ' here. (Probably: It's here.)

God saved me. (Probably supposed to be God Save Me)

I don't know what this is supposed to mean. If I wrote this... I guess I was in some kind of war? And I'd had nightmares about this ship beforehand? Or maybe I didn't write this, and I'm one of the victims the writer mentions as passengers? More likely is that I wrote it, though. The "passengers" are probably all the fucking bodies I saw downstairs. And my luggage DID have a military uniform.

But I haven't even touched the main question yet. What the fuck is this "creature"/"demon" thing that keeps getting mentioned? The note speaks of a creature or spirit of some kind that appears with smoke. Well, I've got the smoke. Does this mean that some monstrosity is on this ship? Is that where the smoke was coming from on the bottom floor?

My final question, though: In the comments for the last post, some Dante fellow or so replied to the Voidskipper person's translation. He strongly implied that Voidy knows something about what this being is. If so... can you please tell me what you know? I'm stumbling around in the dark like a blind child in a room full of knives. Any help seeing what is going on will be appreciated greaty.

Thank you for translating.