Well, the last few days have certainly been interesting.
I went back to the cargo hold on Friday night, hoping to find something else useful, like the combination for the lockbox. When I got to the middle of the room, I noticed with some surprise that the markings that had been there were gone. I turned around with the intention to head back, but after walking for around 10 minutes, I walked right into the center of the room again: This time WITH the markings.
I wandered around there for the last two days, occasionally sleeping. I just now, about five minutes ago, stumbled upon the staircase and made my way back up to my room.
I should probably be more concerned about this, but when you're lost on a ship in the middle of nowhere with no memories it's kinda hard to get concerned about stuff.
Ah well. I'm going to get some food now, I'm starving.
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